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I like the lyrics of this song

j’aime les paroles de cette chanson

9 years 5 months ago


9 years 5 months ago
She delivered a speech in front of an audience.

Elle a pris la parole en public.

9 years 5 months ago


9 years 5 months ago
He gave me his word.

Il m’a donné sa parole.

9 years 5 months ago
given (feminine plural)


9 years 5 months ago
given (feminine singular)


9 years 5 months ago
given (masculine plural)


9 years 5 months ago
given (masculine singular)


9 years 5 months ago
has me


9 years 5 months ago
Laura is a person who I admire.

Laura est une personne que j’admire.

9 years 5 months ago
I admire


9 years 5 months ago
admire; am admiring


9 years 5 months ago
Peter is a friend who I haven’t seen for a long time.

Pierre est un ami que je n’ai pas vu depuis longtemps.

9 years 5 months ago


9 years 5 months ago
a long time


9 years 5 months ago
seen (feminine singular)


9 years 5 months ago
seen (feminine plural)


9 years 5 months ago
seen (masculine plural)


9 years 5 months ago
seen (masculine singular)


9 years 5 months ago
Noushka is a dog which I like very much.

Noushka est un chien que j’aime beaucoup.

9 years 5 months ago
I have a sister who’s called Laura.

j’ai une sœur qui s’appelle Laura

9 years 5 months ago
Laura (girl’s name)


9 years 5 months ago
I have a brother who is called Peter.

J’ai un frère qui s’appelle Pierre.

9 years 5 months ago
to put


9 years 5 months ago
public transport (may be privately run)

les transports en commun

9 years 5 months ago
common (masculine singular)


9 years 5 months ago


9 years 5 months ago
the name

le nom

9 years 5 months ago
You can do it by phone.

Vous pouvez le faire par téléphone.

9 years 5 months ago
by calling your consultation

en appelant votre consultation

9 years 5 months ago
or more simply

ou plus simplement

9 years 5 months ago
through the homepage of our website

par la page d’accueil de notre site internet

9 years 5 months ago


9 years 5 months ago
we remind you that consultations with the specialist doctors

nous vous rappelons que les consultations des médecins spécialistes

9 years 5 months ago
which are not reimbursable by your mutual health insurance

qui ne sont pas remboursés par votre mutuelle

9 years 5 months ago
are liable to be increased due to private fees

sont susceptibles d’être majorées d’honoraires privés

9 years 5 months ago
may be charged

pourrait vous être facturé

9 years 5 months ago
a lump sum compensation

un dédommagement forfaitaire

9 years 5 months ago
you wish to make an appointment

vous souhaitez prendre un rendez-vous

9 years 5 months ago