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9 years 4 months ago
an electric socket

une prise électrique

9 years 4 months ago


9 years 4 months ago
of her


9 years 4 months ago
in love (masculine)


9 years 4 months ago
he’s in love with her so he tried seducing her

il est amoureux d’elle donc il lui a fait des avances

9 years 4 months ago
you must complete all the administrative procedures

vous devez accomplir toutes les démarches administratives

9 years 4 months ago
in order to be able to renew your ID card

pour pouvoir faire renouveler votre carte d’identité

9 years 4 months ago
In order to be able to renew your ID card, you must complete all the administrative procedures.

Pour pouvoir faire renouveler votre carte d’identité, vous devez accomplir toutes les démarches administratives.

9 years 4 months ago
consultation registration desk

guichet d’inscription des consultations

9 years 4 months ago


9 years 4 months ago


9 years 4 months ago
had (2rd person singular)


9 years 4 months ago
had (1st person singular)


9 years 4 months ago
had (3rd person plural)


9 years 4 months ago
had (3rd person singular)


9 years 4 months ago
of money


9 years 4 months ago
silver; money


9 years 4 months ago
employees (feminine plural)


9 years 4 months ago
employees (masculine plural)


9 years 4 months ago
to employ


9 years 4 months ago
employee (feminine)


9 years 4 months ago
treats; is treating


9 years 4 months ago
has her


9 years 4 months ago
has him


9 years 4 months ago
Hello, my name is Jean. (dialogue)

Bonjour, je m’appelle Jean. (dialogue)

9 years 5 months ago
to forget about the stress of the day just gone

pour oublier le stress de la journée passée

9 years 5 months ago
and we have a lot of fun

et on s’éclate bien

9 years 5 months ago
we all go to a restaurant

on va tous au restaurant

9 years 5 months ago
but, at the end of the day

mais, à la fin de la journée

9 years 5 months ago
we have a lot of stress on this day

on a beaucoup de stress ce jour-là

9 years 5 months ago
when we do a...a series of photos

lorsqu’on fait un... une série de photos

9 years 5 months ago
these are very tiring professions sometimes

ce sont des métiers très fatigants des fois

9 years 5 months ago
and I work for several international magazines

et je travaille pour plusieurs magazines internationaux

9 years 5 months ago
sometimes I work as well in fashion

des fois je travaille aussi dans la mode

9 years 5 months ago
and then I leave again to another town to do another campa...another publicity campaign

et puis je repars dans une autre ville pour refaire encore une camp... une autre campagne publicitaire

9 years 5 months ago
I can stay in a town for one week or two at most

je peux rester dans une ville une semaine ou deux maximum

9 years 5 months ago
when I do a publicity campaign

lorsque je fais une campagne publicitaire

9 years 5 months ago
and to stay a lot shorter time in a town

et de rester beaucoup moins longtemps dans une ville

9 years 5 months ago
this allows me to move around much more easily

ça me permet de bouger beaucoup plus facilement

9 years 5 months ago