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9 years 5 months ago
made (past participle, feminine plural)


9 years 6 months ago
been (past participle)


9 years 6 months ago


9 years 6 months ago
She is going to show me her new telephone.

Elle va me montrer son nouveau téléphone.

9 years 6 months ago
to get fat


9 years 6 months ago
to grow up


9 years 6 months ago
to punish


9 years 6 months ago


9 years 6 months ago
to choose


9 years 6 months ago
to like; to love


9 years 6 months ago
to watch


9 years 6 months ago
a photo

une photo

9 years 6 months ago
photo; picture


9 years 6 months ago
5 1 (five one)

cinq un

9 years 6 months ago
as well as those of your doctor

ainsi que celles de votre médecin traitant

9 years 6 months ago
primary care physician; general practitioner

médecin traitant

9 years 6 months ago
We will systematically check your contact details.

Nous vérifierons systématiquement vos coordonnées.

9 years 6 months ago
upon your arrival at the consultation

à votre arrivée à la consultation

9 years 6 months ago
new (masculine singular, before a word starting with a vowel)


9 years 6 months ago
long-necked swan

cygne au long cou

9 years 6 months ago
head and neck

tête et cou

9 years 6 months ago
which; what (masculine plural)


9 years 6 months ago
question mark (?)

point d’interrogation

9 years 6 months ago
exclamation mark (!)

point d’exclamation

9 years 6 months ago
two times two equals four

deux fois deux égale quatre

9 years 8 months ago
two times three equals six

deux fois trois égale six

9 years 8 months ago
two plus three equals five

deux plus trois égale cinq

9 years 8 months ago
four times two equals eight

quatre fois deux égale huit

9 years 8 months ago
one plus two equals three

un plus deux égale trois

9 years 8 months ago
one plus three equals four

un plus trois égale quatre

9 years 8 months ago
two times four equals eight

deux fois quatre égale huit

9 years 8 months ago
two plus four equals six

deux plus quatre égale six

9 years 8 months ago
three times three equals nine

trois fois trois égale neuf

9 years 8 months ago
three plus six equals nine

trois plus six égale neuf

9 years 8 months ago
three minus one equals two

trois moins un égale deux

9 years 8 months ago
three plus seven equals ten

trois plus sept égale dix

9 years 8 months ago
three plus two equals five

trois plus deux égale cinq

9 years 8 months ago
two minus one equals one

deux moins un égale un

9 years 8 months ago
three minus two equals one

trois moins deux égale un

9 years 8 months ago