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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
a consonant

une consonne

9 years ago
United Kingdom


9 years ago
I live in Brussels, in Belgium.

J’habite à Bruxelles, en Belgique.

9 years ago
in Belgium

en Belgique

9 years ago
inhabits; is inhabiting


9 years ago
live; are living; inhabit; are inhabiting (2nd person singular)


9 years ago
Where do you live? (informal)

Où habites-tu ?

9 years ago
I live in London, in England.

J’habite à Londres, en Angleterre.

9 years ago
I live in Paris, in France.

J’habite à Paris, en France.

9 years ago
I live in Manchester, in the United Kingdom.

J’habite à Manchester, au Royaume-Uni.

9 years ago
Manchester (city)


9 years ago
My name is Cécile.

Je m’appelle Cécile.

9 years ago
he’s grooming the dog

il toilette le chien

9 years ago
The cat is washing herself.

Le chat fait sa toilette.

9 years ago
I’m having a wash; I’m getting washed

je fais ma toilette

9 years ago
He’s washing himself.

Il fait sa toilette.

9 years ago
live; are living; inhabit; are inhabiting (2nd person plural)


9 years ago


9 years ago
Where do you live? (formal)

Où habitez-vous ?

9 years ago
What is your nationality? (informal)

Quelle est ta nationalité ?

9 years ago
Are you married? (feminine, informal)

Es-tu mariée ?

9 years ago
Are you married? (feminine, formal)

Êtes-vous mariée ?

9 years ago
I’m British

je suis britannique

9 years ago
I’m French (feminine)

je suis française

9 years ago
Cécile (girl’s name)


9 years ago
married (feminine singular)


9 years ago
No, I’m single.

Non, je suis célibataire.

9 years ago
Yes, I’m married. (feminine)

Oui, je suis mariée.

9 years ago
April fool’s joke

poisson d’avril

9 years ago
and, at midnight

et à minuit

9 years ago
people kiss under the mistletoe

on s’embrasse sous le gui

9 years ago
and, at midnight, people kiss under the mistletoe

et à minuit, on s’embrasse sous le gui

9 years ago
drinks; is drinking


9 years ago
has Christmas or New Year’s Eve dinner; is having Christmas or New Year’s Eve dinner


9 years ago
people also drink champagne

on boit aussi du champagne

9 years ago
People spend New Year’s Eve Dinner with their family or their friends.

On réveillonne avec sa famille ou ses amis.

9 years ago
on the thirty-first of December

le trente et un décembre

9 years ago
it’s New Year’s Eve

c’est la Saint-Sylvestre

9 years ago
On the thirty-first of December, it’s New Year’s Eve.

Le trente et un décembre, c’est la Saint-Sylvestre.

9 years ago
each other


9 years ago