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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
to ring the doorbell

sonner à la sonnette

9 years 2 months ago
to ring


9 years 2 months ago
to knock; to hit


9 years 2 months ago
to knock on the door

frapper à la porte

9 years 2 months ago
to disguise


9 years 2 months ago
dressed up (masculine singular)


9 years 2 months ago
to dress up

se déguiser

9 years 2 months ago
a devil

un diable

9 years 2 months ago


9 years 2 months ago
trick or treat (stupidity or confectionery)

bêtises ou friandises

9 years 2 months ago
trick or treat (sweets or a spell)

des bonbons ou un sort

9 years 2 months ago
a back slash (\)

une barre oblique inversée

9 years 2 months ago
a forward slash (/)

une barre oblique

9 years 2 months ago
reversed (feminine singular)


9 years 2 months ago
slanting; diagonal


9 years 2 months ago
bar (e.g. for chocolate)


9 years 2 months ago


9 years 2 months ago
an underscore

un souligné

9 years 2 months ago
underscore (_)


9 years 2 months ago
a hash sign (#)

un symbole dièse

9 years 2 months ago
a hash

un dièse

9 years 2 months ago
hash (#)


9 years 2 months ago


9 years 2 months ago
stroke; line


9 years 2 months ago
and in the end we got married in a castle

et en fin de compte on s’est mariés dans un château

9 years 2 months ago
and we had a great magician to liven up the evening

et on avait un super magicien pour animer la soirée

9 years 2 months ago
at least 24 hours in advance

au moins 24 heures à l’avance

9 years 2 months ago
We kindly ask you to cancel your appointment.

Nous vous prions de bien vouloir annuler votre rendez-vous.

9 years 2 months ago
in case of a problem

en cas d’empêchement

9 years 2 months ago
on that day

ce jour-là

9 years 2 months ago
hasn’t been

n’a pas été

9 years 2 months ago
could (3rd person singular)


9 years 2 months ago
to finish


9 years 2 months ago
in advance

à l’avance

9 years 2 months ago
to renew


9 years 2 months ago


9 years 2 months ago
administrative (feminine plural)


9 years 2 months ago
if this person has already come in for a consultation at Saint Luke’s

si cette personne est déjà venue en consultation à Saint Luc

9 years 2 months ago
have on hand their administrative number

ayez sous la main son numéro administratif

9 years 2 months ago
punctuation marks

signes de ponctuation

9 years 2 months ago