Understand spoken Dutch

Dutch-English Dictionary - D

0 (1) 1 (7) 2 (4) A (473) B (743) C (113) D (2778) E (660) F (124) G (576) H (1431) I (725) J (167) K (511) L (299) M (463) N (269) O (505) P (357) Q (1) R (249) S (708) T (634) U (113) V (819) W (667) Y (87) Z (490)
Dutch Recording English Learn

de smartphones

the smartphones

de smeerlap

the bastard

de smelttablet

the orally dissolving tablet

de smetteloze keuken

the immaculate kitchen

de smoes

the excuse

de snaar

the string

de snack

the snack

de snacks

the snacks

de snaren

the strings

de snavel

the beak

de snavels

the beaks

de sneeuw

the snow

de sneeuwvlokken

the snowflakes

De sneeuwvlokken bedekten haar lang blond haar (paragraaf)

The snowflakes covered her long blond hair (paragraph)

De sneeuwvlokken bedekten haar lang blond haar, dat in prachtige lokken op haar schouders neergolfde

The snowflakes covered her long, blonde hair, which hung in curls resting on her shoulders

De sneeuwvlokken bedekten haar lang blond haar, dat in prachtige lokken op haar schouders neergolfde; maar daaraan dacht zij niet.

The snowflakes covered her long blond hair, which flowed to her shoulders in beautiful locks; but she did not think of it.

de snelheden

the speeds

de snelweg

the highway

de snelwegen

the highways

de snoet

the snout

de snor

the moustache

de snorfiets

the moped (The Netherlands)

de socialisten

the socialists

de soep

the soup

de sok

the sock

de sokken

the socks

de sollicitatie

the job application

de soorten

the types

de spanning

the pressure

de specerijen

the spices

de specht

the woodpecker

de specialiteit

the specialty

de speer

the spear

de speld

the pin

de spelers

the players

de speurders

the detectives