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weekend; week-end

9 years 11 months ago
Monday is the first day of the week.

Lundi est le premier jour de la semaine.

9 years 11 months ago
Tuesday is the second day of the week.

Mardi est le deuxième jour de la semaine.

9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago
Wednesday is the third day of the week.

Mercredi est le troisième jour de la semaine.

9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago
Thursday is the fourth day of the week.

Jeudi est le quatrième jour de la semaine.

9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago
Friday is the fifth day of the week.

Vendredi est le cinquième jour de la semaine.

9 years 11 months ago
Saturday is the sixth day of the week.

Samedi est le sixième jour de la semaine.

9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago
Sunday is the seventh day of the week.

Dimanche est le septième jour de la semaine.

9 years 11 months ago
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche

9 years 11 months ago
Saturday is the first day of the weekend.

Samedi est le premier jour du week-end.

9 years 11 months ago
Sunday is the last day of the weekend.

Dimanche est le dernier jour du week-end.

9 years 11 months ago
There are 7 days in a week.

Il y a 7 jours dans une semaine.

9 years 11 months ago
There are 5 working days in the week.

Il y a 5 jours de travail dans la semaine.

9 years 11 months ago
There are 2 days in a weekend.

Il y a deux jours dans un week-end.

9 years 11 months ago
Friday is the last day of the working week.

Vendredi est le dernier jour de la semaine de travail.

9 years 11 months ago
The day after Monday is Tuesday.

Le jour après lundi est mardi.

9 years 11 months ago
The day after Tuesday is Wednesday.

Le jour après mardi est mercredi.

9 years 11 months ago
The day after Wednesday is Thursday.

Le jour après mercredi est jeudi.

9 years 11 months ago
The day after Thursday is Friday.

Le jour après jeudi est vendredi.

9 years 11 months ago
The day after Saturday is Sunday.

Le jour après samedi est dimanche.

9 years 11 months ago
The day after Friday is Saturday.

Le jour après vendredi est samedi.

9 years 11 months ago
The day after Sunday is Monday.

Le jour après dimanche est lundi.

9 years 11 months ago
Monday is the day before Tuesday.

Lundi est le jour avant mardi.

9 years 11 months ago
Tuesday is the day before Wednesday.

Mardi est le jour avant mercredi.

9 years 11 months ago
Wednesday is the day before Thursday.

Mercredi est le jour avant jeudi.

9 years 11 months ago
Thursday is the day before Friday.

Jeudi est le jour avant vendredi.

9 years 11 months ago
Friday is the day before Saturday.

Vendredi est le jour avant samedi.

9 years 11 months ago
Saturday is the day before Sunday.

Samedi est le jour avant dimanche.

9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago
Wednesday is the middle of the working week.

Mercredi est le milieu de la semaine de travail.

9 years 11 months ago
Monday is the first day of the working week.

Lundi est le premier jour de la semaine de travail.

9 years 11 months ago
Sunday is the day before Monday.

Dimanche est le jour avant lundi.

9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago
Sunday is a day of rest.

Dimanche est un jour de repos.

9 years 11 months ago