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Recent Additions

Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
the evidence; proof

het bewijs

3 years 9 months ago
the books

de boeken

3 years 9 months ago
the budget

het budget

3 years 9 months ago
the fear

de angst

3 years 9 months ago
the hail

de hagel

3 years 9 months ago
the drake

de woerd

3 years 9 months ago
the patch

het lapje

3 years 9 months ago
the quarter

het kwart

3 years 9 months ago
the weeks

de weken

3 years 9 months ago
the corn

het koren

3 years 9 months ago
the prince

de prins

3 years 9 months ago
the comma

de komma

3 years 9 months ago
the giver; bestower

de gever

3 years 9 months ago
the chase

de jacht

3 years 9 months ago
the test

de proef

3 years 9 months ago
the porn

de porno

3 years 9 months ago
the spirit

de geest

3 years 9 months ago
the wall

de wand

3 years 9 months ago
the soul

de ziel

3 years 9 months ago
the straw

het stro

3 years 9 months ago
the vote

de stem

3 years 9 months ago
the wage

het loon

3 years 9 months ago
the bow

de boog

3 years 9 months ago
the team

het team

3 years 9 months ago
the cold

de kou

3 years 9 months ago
the hole

het gat

3 years 9 months ago
the hedge

de heg

3 years 9 months ago
the path

het pad

3 years 9 months ago
the mass (church)

de mis

3 years 9 months ago
the garlic bread

het knoflookbrood

3 years 9 months ago
the lunch

het middageten

3 years 9 months ago
the apple juice

het appelsap

3 years 9 months ago
the management

het management

3 years 9 months ago
the strawberries

de aardbeien

3 years 9 months ago
the issues; problems

de problemen

3 years 9 months ago
the stock (products)

de voorraad

3 years 9 months ago
the smile

de glimlach

3 years 9 months ago
the use

het gebruik

3 years 9 months ago
the hunger

de honger

3 years 9 months ago
the opinion

de mening

3 years 9 months ago