Understand spoken Dutch

Recent Additions

Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
the east

het oosten

3 years 8 months ago
the lack

het gebrek

3 years 8 months ago
the news

het nieuws

3 years 8 months ago
the desk

het bureau

3 years 8 months ago
the mistakes

de fouten

3 years 8 months ago
the windows

de ruiten

3 years 8 months ago
the patience

het geduld

3 years 8 months ago
the warmth

de warmte

3 years 8 months ago
the success

het succes

3 years 8 months ago
the behaviour

het gedrag

3 years 8 months ago
the Belgians

de Belgen

3 years 8 months ago
the wishes

de wensen

3 years 8 months ago
the mock

de schijn

3 years 8 months ago
the string

de snaar

3 years 8 months ago
the peel

de schil

3 years 8 months ago
the spring

de lente

3 years 8 months ago
the feathers

de veren

3 years 8 months ago
the chalk

het krijt

3 years 8 months ago
the list

de lijst

3 years 8 months ago
the word

het woord

3 years 8 months ago
the beginning

het begin

3 years 8 months ago
the oat

de haver

3 years 8 months ago
the cobblestones

de keien

3 years 8 months ago
to click


3 years 8 months ago
the fist

de vuist

3 years 8 months ago
the neighborhood

de buurt

3 years 8 months ago
the beans

de bonen

3 years 8 months ago
the fine

de boete

3 years 8 months ago
the sleeve

de mouw

3 years 8 months ago
the gentleman

de heer

3 years 8 months ago
the help

de hulp

3 years 8 months ago
the smoke

de rook

3 years 8 months ago
the raven

de raaf

3 years 8 months ago
the hook

de haak

3 years 8 months ago
the stomach (organ)

de maag

3 years 8 months ago
the plan

het plan

3 years 8 months ago
the gap; chink

de kier

3 years 8 months ago
the malt

de mout

3 years 8 months ago
the gut; intestine

de darm

3 years 8 months ago
the feather

de veer

3 years 9 months ago