Understand spoken Dutch

Recent Additions

Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
the varnish

de lak

3 years 8 months ago
the ball

de bal

3 years 8 months ago
the bar

de bar

3 years 8 months ago
the porn industry

de porno-industrie

3 years 8 months ago
the women’s rights

de vrouwenrechten

3 years 8 months ago
the map

de plattegrond

3 years 8 months ago
the chick flick

de meisjesfilm

3 years 8 months ago
the shorts

de korte broek

3 years 8 months ago
the oatmeal

de havermout

3 years 8 months ago
the associations

de verenigingen

3 years 8 months ago
the communication

de communicatie

3 years 8 months ago
the farms

de boerderijen

3 years 8 months ago
the restaurants

de restaurants

3 years 8 months ago
the users

de gebruikers

3 years 8 months ago
the execution; implementation

de uitvoering

3 years 8 months ago
the information

de informatie

3 years 8 months ago
the spinal cord

het ruggenmerg

3 years 8 months ago
the service; institution

de instelling

3 years 8 months ago
the thoughts

de gedachten

3 years 8 months ago
the turkeys

de kalkoenen

3 years 8 months ago
the results

de uitslagen

3 years 8 months ago
the shoulders

de schouders

3 years 8 months ago
the companies

de bedrijven

3 years 8 months ago
the excitement

de opwinding

3 years 8 months ago
the residents

de bewoners

3 years 8 months ago
the shoes

de schoenen

3 years 8 months ago
the places

de plaatsen

3 years 8 months ago
the scar

het litteken

3 years 8 months ago
the regions

de streken

3 years 8 months ago
the fingers

de vingers

3 years 8 months ago
the story

het verhaal

3 years 8 months ago
the flames

de vlammen

3 years 8 months ago
the traffic

het verkeer

3 years 8 months ago
the turkey

de kalkoen

3 years 8 months ago
the levy

de heffing

3 years 8 months ago
the salary

het salaris

3 years 8 months ago
the rights

de rechten

3 years 8 months ago
the function; job

de functie

3 years 8 months ago
the flowers

de bloemen

3 years 8 months ago
the weekend

het weekend

3 years 8 months ago