Understand spoken Dutch

Recent Additions

Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
the customer

de klant

3 years 9 months ago
the soap

de zeep

3 years 9 months ago
the dish

het gerecht

3 years 9 months ago
the winter

de winter

3 years 9 months ago
the hands

de handen

3 years 9 months ago
the laws

de wetten

3 years 9 months ago
the teeth

de tanden

3 years 9 months ago
the time

de tijd

3 years 9 months ago
the leaves

de bladeren

3 years 9 months ago
the feet

de voeten

3 years 9 months ago
the states

de staten

3 years 9 months ago
the chickens

de kippen

3 years 9 months ago
the trees

de bomen

3 years 9 months ago
the state

de staat

3 years 9 months ago
the battle

de slag

3 years 9 months ago
the need

de nood

3 years 9 months ago
the telephone

de telefoon

3 years 9 months ago
the geese

de ganzen

3 years 9 months ago
the measure (short form)

de maat

3 years 9 months ago
the matches

de lucifers

3 years 9 months ago
the ducklings

de eendjes

3 years 9 months ago
the birds

de vogels

3 years 9 months ago
the branches

de takken

3 years 9 months ago
the glare

de glans

3 years 9 months ago
the days

de dagen

3 years 9 months ago
the corner

de hoek

3 years 9 months ago
the zoo

de dierentuin

3 years 9 months ago
the side

de kant

3 years 9 months ago
the education

het onderwijs

3 years 9 months ago
the swans

de zwanen

3 years 9 months ago
the swamp

het moeras

3 years 9 months ago
the daylight

het daglicht

3 years 9 months ago
the juice

het sap

3 years 9 months ago
the wings

de vleugels

3 years 9 months ago
the reed

het riet

3 years 9 months ago
the sun

de zon

3 years 9 months ago
the legs

de poten

3 years 9 months ago
the children

de kinderen

3 years 9 months ago
the ducks

de eenden

3 years 9 months ago
the duckling

het eendje

3 years 9 months ago