Understand spoken French

Recent Additions

Recording English French Time ago created Learn
accept; are accepting (3rd person plural)


10 years ago
Then we listen gladly.

Alors, nous écoutons volontiers.

10 years ago
Then I gladly return.

Alors, je rentre volontiers.

10 years ago
Then we gladly accept.

Alors, nous acceptons volontiers.

10 years ago
Then I am leaving gladly.

Alors, je pars volontiers.

10 years ago
I’m just going to go to town.

Je vais justement aller en ville.

10 years ago
I just hope to go into town.

J’espère justement aller en ville.

10 years ago
I would just go to town.

Je voudrais justement aller en ville.

10 years ago
She just has to go to town.

Elle doit justement aller en ville.

10 years ago
He is just going to go to town.

Il va justement aller en ville.

10 years ago
We are precisely going to go to town.

Nous allons justement aller en ville.

10 years ago
I have to just take a platform ticket.

Je dois justement prendre un ticket de quai.

10 years ago
I have to just wake the children.

Je dois justement réveiller les enfants.

10 years ago
I have just iron a shirt.

Je dois justement repasser une chemise.

10 years ago
I have to just buy the aspirin.

Je dois justement acheter de l’aspirine.

10 years ago
I have to just go to the store.

Je dois justement aller au magasin.

10 years ago
I have to just take the train.

Je dois justement prendre le train.

10 years ago
I must just have lunch over there.

Je dois justement déjeuner là-bas.

10 years ago
I have to just buy something.

Je dois justement acheter quelque chose.

10 years ago
this (masculine, in front of a vowel)


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago
the aspirin


10 years ago


10 years ago
somewhere; someplace

quelque part

10 years ago
sleeping car


10 years ago
information; details


10 years ago
returns; is returning


10 years ago
next (masculine)


10 years ago
early; advance


10 years ago
to rent


10 years ago
over there; down there


10 years ago
Oh! She’s not going to bother you.

Oh ! Elle ne va pas vous déranger.

10 years ago
Oh! She would not want to disturb you.

Oh ! Elle ne voudrait pas vous déranger.

10 years ago
Oh! We will not bother you.

Oh ! Nous n’allons pas vous déranger.

10 years ago
Oh! He will not bother you.

Oh ! Il ne va pas vous déranger.

10 years ago
Oh! He would not bother you.

Oh ! Il ne voudrait pas vous déranger.

10 years ago
Oh! I will not bother you.

Oh ! Je ne vais pas vous déranger.

10 years ago
Do you want me to drop you at the pharmacy?

Voulez-vous que je vous dépose à la pharmacie ?

10 years ago
Do you want me to drop you at the restaurant?

Voulez-vous que je vous dépose au restaurant ?

10 years ago