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Father’s Day


3 years 7 months ago


3 years 7 months ago
Mother’s Day


3 years 7 months ago
Valentine’s Day


3 years 7 months ago
Labor Day

Dag van de Arbeid

3 years 7 months ago


3 years 7 months ago
Valentine (boy’s name)


3 years 7 months ago


3 years 7 months ago
I am pregnant.

Ik ben zwanger.

3 years 7 months ago
Every little gesture has a positive impact on the planet.

Elk klein gebaar heeft een positieve impact op de planeet.

3 years 7 months ago
the party (diminutive)

het feestje

3 years 7 months ago
the apostle

de apostel

3 years 7 months ago
the eagle

de adelaar

3 years 7 months ago
the athlete

de sporter

3 years 7 months ago
the cure

de remedie

3 years 7 months ago
the centaur

de centaur

3 years 7 months ago
the calling

de roeping

3 years 7 months ago
the saying

het gezegde

3 years 7 months ago
the envy

de afgunst

3 years 7 months ago
the walnut

de walnoot

3 years 7 months ago
the cyclone

de cycloon

3 years 7 months ago
the invoice

de factuur

3 years 7 months ago
the decision

het besluit

3 years 7 months ago
the sale

de verkoop

3 years 7 months ago
the sources

de bronnen

3 years 7 months ago
the control; restraint

het bedwang

3 years 7 months ago
the teachers

de leraren

3 years 7 months ago
the presence

het bijzijn

3 years 7 months ago
the pebbles

de kiezels

3 years 7 months ago
the disgust

de walging

3 years 7 months ago
the turns

de bochten

3 years 7 months ago
the stand

de tribune

3 years 7 months ago
the assets; advantages

de troeven

3 years 7 months ago
the mystery; riddle

het raadsel

3 years 7 months ago
the issue; question

de kwestie

3 years 7 months ago
the paintbrush

het penseel

3 years 7 months ago
the foursome

het viertal

3 years 7 months ago
the voices

de stemmen

3 years 7 months ago
the hug

de knuffel

3 years 7 months ago
the exams

de examens

3 years 7 months ago