Understand spoken Dutch

Recent Additions

Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
the ferrets

de fretten

3 years 7 months ago
the objection

het bezwaar

3 years 7 months ago
the latch

de grendel

3 years 7 months ago
the mop

de zwabber

3 years 7 months ago
the letters

de brieven

3 years 7 months ago
the report

het verslag

3 years 7 months ago
What happened?

Wat is er gebeurd?

3 years 7 months ago
I am scared.

Ik ben bang.

3 years 7 months ago
I’m happy.

Ik ben gelukkig.

3 years 7 months ago
I am cold.

Ik heb het koud.

3 years 7 months ago
I’m freezing.

Ik bevries.

3 years 7 months ago
Please help me!

Help me alstublieft!

3 years 7 months ago
Can you write that down for me?

Kunt u dat voor me opschrijven?

3 years 7 months ago
I don’t speak Dutch very well.

Ik spreek niet zo goed Nederlands.

3 years 7 months ago
I don’t have any money.

Ik heb geen geld.

3 years 7 months ago
to joke

grappen maken

3 years 7 months ago
public square

openbaar plein

3 years 7 months ago
Armistice Day


3 years 7 months ago
stand (verb)


3 years 7 months ago


3 years 7 months ago
All Saints’ Day


3 years 7 months ago


3 years 7 months ago
Ascension Day


3 years 7 months ago
to hope


3 years 7 months ago
lemon tart


3 years 7 months ago
chocolate cake


3 years 7 months ago
dairy products


3 years 7 months ago


3 years 7 months ago
apple tart


3 years 7 months ago
very soon

heel snel

3 years 7 months ago
You have to wait.

Je moet wachten.

3 years 7 months ago
Don’t worry.

Maak je geen zorgen.

3 years 7 months ago
I like you.

Ik vind je aardig.

3 years 7 months ago
the dispersal

de spreiding

3 years 7 months ago
My child is ill.

Mijn kind is ziek.

3 years 7 months ago
I’m ill.

Ik ben ziek.

3 years 7 months ago
I will be back soon.

Ik kom snel terug.

3 years 7 months ago
How long do we have to wait here?

Hoe lang moeten we hier wachten?

3 years 7 months ago
I would like an apointment.

Ik wil graag een afspraak maken.

3 years 7 months ago
Where is the registration centre?

Waar is het registratiekantoor?

3 years 7 months ago