Understand spoken Dutch

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Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
the dialects

de dialecten

3 years 6 months ago
the colours

de kleurtjes

3 years 6 months ago
the messages

de berichten

3 years 6 months ago
the needs

de behoeftes

3 years 6 months ago
the motive

de drijfveer

3 years 6 months ago
the balance

het evenwicht

3 years 6 months ago


3 years 6 months ago
I’ll give you a demonstration.

Ik zal je een demonstratie geven.

3 years 6 months ago
I never wash the windows.

Ik was de ramen nooit.

3 years 6 months ago
in the front


3 years 6 months ago
We never sit in the front.

Wij zitten nooit vooraan.

3 years 6 months ago
That was my job.

Dat was mijn werk.

3 years 6 months ago
No one knows how long they’ll live.

Niemand weet hoe lang hij zal leven.

3 years 6 months ago
I forgot that today was Tom’s birthday.

Ik was vergeten dat het Tom zijn verjaardag was vandaag.

3 years 6 months ago
Tom hasn’t eaten.

Tom heeft niet gegeten.

3 years 6 months ago
These cars are built in Japan.

Deze wagens zijn gebouwd in Japan.

3 years 6 months ago
to die


3 years 6 months ago
We are going to die.

We gaan sterven.

3 years 6 months ago
to whistle


3 years 6 months ago
Who do I hear whistling?

Wie hoor ik fluiten?

3 years 6 months ago
the scenes

de taferelen

3 years 6 months ago
the headscarf

de hoofddoek

3 years 6 months ago
the incantation

de bezwering

3 years 6 months ago
the exits

de uitgangen

3 years 6 months ago
the drain

de afvoerput

3 years 6 months ago
the admirer

de aanbidder

3 years 6 months ago
the gust of wind

de windstoot

3 years 6 months ago
the survey

de bevraging

3 years 6 months ago
the plan (diminutive)

het plannetje

3 years 6 months ago
the examinations; exams

de tentamens

3 years 6 months ago
the detectives

de speurders

3 years 6 months ago
the mixture

de mengeling

3 years 6 months ago
the visitors

de bezoekers

3 years 6 months ago
the colleagues

de collega’s

3 years 6 months ago
the hamburger

de hamburger

3 years 6 months ago
the files

de bestanden

3 years 6 months ago
the termination

de opzegging

3 years 6 months ago
the match; contest

de wedstrijd

3 years 6 months ago
Where did you go on your last vacation?

Waar ben je laatst op vakantie geweest?

3 years 6 months ago


3 years 6 months ago