Understand spoken Dutch

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Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn


3 years 5 months ago
Do you hate Tom?

Haat je Tom?

3 years 5 months ago
No one ever taught me something like that.

Niemand heeft me ooit zoiets geleerd.

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
I’m terrified of dogs.

Ik ben doodsbang van honden

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
We’re homeless.

We zijn dakloos.

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
Does he deserve that role?

Verdient hij die rol?

3 years 5 months ago
Many find it interesting.

Velen vinden het interessant.

3 years 5 months ago
Both of them are from Australia.

Ze zijn allebei van Australië.

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
pole vault


3 years 5 months ago
pole vaulter


3 years 5 months ago
I need to sleep.

Ik moet slapen.

3 years 5 months ago
Where can I pray?

Waar kan ik bidden?

3 years 5 months ago
I need to make a phone call.

Ik moet telefoneren.

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
Where is the bathroom?

Waar is de badkamer?

3 years 5 months ago
My child is hungry.

Mijn kind heeft honger.

3 years 5 months ago
my baby

mijn baby

3 years 5 months ago
This is my husband.

Dit is mijn man.

3 years 5 months ago
What’s your name? (formal)

Hoe heet u?

3 years 5 months ago
It’s a classroom.

Het is een klaslokaal.

3 years 5 months ago
What are their names?

Wat is hun naam?

3 years 5 months ago
Are things going well?

Gaan de zaken goed?

3 years 5 months ago
the delight

de verrukking

3 years 5 months ago
the officials

de ambtenaren

3 years 5 months ago
the pupils

de leerlingen

3 years 5 months ago
the employees

de werknemers

3 years 5 months ago
the criminals

de criminelen

3 years 5 months ago
the authorities

de instanties

3 years 5 months ago
the vehicles

de voertuigen

3 years 5 months ago
the cigarettes

de sigaretten

3 years 5 months ago
the detective

de detective

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
This car has a diesel engine.

Deze wagen heeft een diesel motor.

3 years 5 months ago
What do owls eat?

Wat eten uilen?

3 years 5 months ago
Tom ate popcorn.

Tom at popcorn.

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago