Understand spoken Dutch

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Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
the tens

de tientallen

3 years 5 months ago
the vegetarian (noun)

de vegetariër

3 years 5 months ago
the filth

de vuiligheid

3 years 5 months ago
the deliveries

de leveringen

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
the stitches

de hechtingen

3 years 5 months ago
the payments

de betalingen

3 years 5 months ago
Mary slept on the train.

Mary sliep op de trein.

3 years 5 months ago
Do you believe in love?

Geloof je in liefde?

3 years 5 months ago
This is enough.

Dit is genoeg.

3 years 5 months ago
Where can I buy eggs?

Waar kan ik eieren kopen?

3 years 5 months ago
How large is your bedroom?

Hoe groot is je slaapkamer?

3 years 5 months ago
I think Tom is in his garden.

Ik denk dat Tom in zijn tuin is.

3 years 5 months ago
Tom is the son of a priest.

Tom is de zoon van een priester.

3 years 5 months ago
I’m selling a new car.

Ik verkoop een nieuwe auto.

3 years 5 months ago
I have fifty euros in my pocket.

Ik heb vijftig euro in mijn zak.

3 years 5 months ago
I promise you that you are safe.

Ik beloof je dat je veilig bent.

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
Wine is an alcoholic beverage.

Wijn is een alcoholische drank?

3 years 5 months ago
Who’s the president of this country?

Wie is de president van dit land?

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
Mom, can elephants fly?

Mama, kunnen olifanten vliegen?

3 years 5 months ago
Tom was my son.

Tom was mijn zoon.

3 years 5 months ago
Tom was my husband.

Tom was mijn echtgenoot.

3 years 5 months ago
Tom was my father.

Tom was mijn vader.

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
Tom is always the victim.

Tom is altijd het slachtoffer.

3 years 5 months ago
You have a large stomach.

Je hebt een grote maag.

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
I’m against corruption.

Ik ben tegen corruptie.

3 years 5 months ago
You’re a very rich person.

Je bent een erg rijk persoon.

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
When are you going to Vienna?

Wanneer ga je naar Wenen?

3 years 5 months ago
Is he German?

Is hij Duits?

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
Are her parents divorced?

Zijn haar ouders gescheiden?

3 years 5 months ago
You must swear on the Bible.

Je moet zweren op de Bijbel.

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago
You live on the sixth floor.

Je woont op de zesde verdieping.

3 years 5 months ago


3 years 5 months ago