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Yanni wanted to speak with a detective.

Yanni wou met een detective spreken.

3 years 6 months ago


3 years 6 months ago
Tom was attacked by a lion.

Tom werd aangevallen door een leeuw.

3 years 6 months ago
They think maybe Tom had a heart attack.

Ze denken dat Tom misschien een hartaanval had.

3 years 6 months ago
The attack lasted for nearly three hours.

De aanval duurde bijna drie uur.

3 years 6 months ago
We all thought Tom was having a heart attack.

We dachten allemaal dat Tom een hartaanval kreeg.

3 years 6 months ago
heart attack


3 years 6 months ago
It felt like a heart attack.

Het voelde als een hartaanval.

3 years 6 months ago
died (plural)


3 years 6 months ago
Tom was one of the three who died in the attack.

Tom was één van de drie die stierven in de aanval.

3 years 6 months ago
the telescope

de telescoop

3 years 6 months ago
the workshops

de workshops

3 years 6 months ago
the millions

de miljoenen

3 years 6 months ago
the motivation

de motivatie

3 years 6 months ago
the strategy

de strategie

3 years 6 months ago
the education

de opvoeding

3 years 6 months ago
the depression

de depressie

3 years 6 months ago
the excise duties

de accijnzen

3 years 6 months ago
the alms

de aalmoezen

3 years 6 months ago
the hardship

de ontbering

3 years 6 months ago
the overview

het overzicht

3 years 6 months ago
the analysts

de analisten

3 years 6 months ago
the attacker

de aanvaller

3 years 6 months ago
the suspect

de verdachte

3 years 6 months ago
the bones

de beenderen

3 years 6 months ago
the drinks

de drankjes

3 years 6 months ago
the champion

de kampioen

3 years 6 months ago
the limits

de limieten

3 years 6 months ago
the optimist

de optimist

3 years 6 months ago
the humanity

de mensheid

3 years 6 months ago
the fungus

de schimmel

3 years 6 months ago
the yeast

de schimmel

3 years 6 months ago
the insulin

de insuline

3 years 6 months ago
the Frenchman

de Fransman

3 years 6 months ago
the confirmations

de vormsels

3 years 6 months ago
the french fries (diminutive)

de frietjes

3 years 6 months ago


3 years 6 months ago
There is so much more to discover in Algeria.

Er is zoveel meer te ontdekken in Algerije.

3 years 6 months ago
Tom drank water.

Tom dronk water.

3 years 6 months ago
The more you drink, the less you eat.

Hoe meer je drinkt, hoe minder je eet.

3 years 6 months ago