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corresponding (long form)


2 years 4 months ago
to reject


2 years 4 months ago
the municipal authorities

de gemeentebesturen

2 years 4 months ago
to perform


2 years 4 months ago


2 years 4 months ago
Peel the orange.

Pel de sinaasappel.

2 years 4 months ago
Have some pizza.

Neem wat pizza.

2 years 4 months ago
I am a cook.

Ik ben een kok.

2 years 4 months ago
You know more about Tom than anyone else does.

Jij weet meer over Tom dan wie dan ook.

2 years 4 months ago
How much do you owe?

Hoeveel ben jij schuldig?

2 years 4 months ago
They slept.

Ze waren aan het slapen.

2 years 4 months ago
Don’t forget to turn the light off.

Vergeet niet het licht uit te doen.

2 years 4 months ago
I’m not scared of anything.

Ik ben van niets bang.

2 years 4 months ago
It’s a matter of life and death.

Het is een kwestie van leven en dood.

2 years 4 months ago
Tom responded instantly.

Tom heeft meteen geantwoord.

2 years 4 months ago
Brazil is a large country.

Brazilië is een groot land.

2 years 4 months ago
What exactly did you tell Tom?

Wat zei je precies tegen Tom?

2 years 4 months ago
We must tell everybody what happened.

We moeten iedereen vertellen wat er is gebeurd.

2 years 4 months ago
I don’t know how to explain it.

Ik weet niet hoe ik het moet uitleggen.

2 years 4 months ago
Taste it.

Proef eens.

2 years 4 months ago
Tom is new.

Tom is nieuw.

2 years 4 months ago
I hate it.

Ik haat dit.

2 years 4 months ago
Why does this keep happening?

Waarom blijft dit gebeuren?

2 years 4 months ago
Is that what happened with Tom?

Is dat wat er met Tom is gebeurd?

2 years 4 months ago
They already have one.

Zij hebben het al.

2 years 4 months ago
Tom will never let me do that.

Tom zou me dat nooit laten doen.

2 years 4 months ago
How much time will that take?

Hoe lang gaat dat duren?

2 years 4 months ago


2 years 4 months ago


2 years 5 months ago


2 years 5 months ago
raging fornication

razende ontucht

2 years 5 months ago
inspires (part)


2 years 5 months ago


2 years 5 months ago
The king inspires awe.

De koning boezemt ontzag in.

2 years 5 months ago


2 years 5 months ago
covenant tent


2 years 5 months ago
the covenant tent

de verbondstent

2 years 5 months ago


2 years 5 months ago
the tent

de tent

2 years 5 months ago
terrible (long form)


2 years 5 months ago