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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
ten o’clock

dix heures

10 years 5 months ago
It is nine o’clock

Il est neuf heures.

10 years 5 months ago
nine o’clock

neuf heures

10 years 5 months ago
1 (one, feminine)


10 years 5 months ago
hour; o’clock


10 years 5 months ago
It is eight o’clock

Il est huit heures.

10 years 5 months ago
eight o’clock

huit heures

10 years 5 months ago
It is seven o’clock.

Il est sept heures.

10 years 5 months ago
seven o’clock

sept heures

10 years 5 months ago
It is six o’clock.

Il est six heures.

10 years 5 months ago
six o’clock

six heures

10 years 5 months ago
It is five o’clock

Il est cinq heures.

10 years 5 months ago
five o’clock

cinq heures

10 years 5 months ago
It is four o’clock

Il est quatre heures.

10 years 5 months ago
four o’clock

quatre heures

10 years 5 months ago
It is three o’clock.

Il est trois heures.

10 years 5 months ago
three o’clock

trois heures

10 years 5 months ago
It is two o’clock

Il est deux heures.

10 years 5 months ago
two o’clock

deux heures

10 years 5 months ago
It is one o’clock

Il est une heure.

10 years 5 months ago


10 years 5 months ago
Repeat the question please.

Répétez la question s’il vous plaît.

10 years 5 months ago
Ask the Gentleman to close the door.

Demandez à Monsieur de fermer la porte.

10 years 5 months ago
It’s because we’re in a hurry.

C’est parce que nous sommes pressés.

10 years 5 months ago
How does one say “Hello” in English?

Comment dit-on « bonjour » en anglais ?

10 years 5 months ago
Repeat once more.

Répétez encore une fois.

10 years 5 months ago
Repeat after me.

Répétez après moi.

10 years 5 months ago
Repeat all together.

Répétez tous ensemble.

10 years 5 months ago
Answer in French.

Répondez en français.

10 years 5 months ago
Open your book, please.

Ouvrez votre livre, s’il vous plaît.

10 years 5 months ago


10 years 5 months ago
No, I don’t know the lesson.

Non, je ne sais pas la leçon.

10 years 5 months ago
vocal (masculine plural)


10 years 5 months ago
vocal (feminine singular)


10 years 5 months ago
voicemail; mailbox


10 years 5 months ago


10 years 5 months ago
new (masculine plural)


10 years 5 months ago
to get; to obtain


10 years 5 months ago
to modify


10 years 5 months ago
to send


10 years 5 months ago