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French-English Dictionary - J

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French Recording English Learn

Je vais très bien, merci.

I am very well, thank you.

je vais y aller

I am going to go there

je veux

I want

Je veux aller à Cannes.

I want to go to Cannes.

je veux avoir ça

I want to have that

Je veux boire du vin.

I want to drink some wine.

je veux ça

I want that

je veux l’avoir

I want to have it

Je veux manger du poulet.

I want to eat some chicken.

Je veux manger une soupe à l’oignon.

I want to eat an onion soup.

je veux partir en vacances

I want to go on holiday

je viens

I come

je vois

I see

je vois ce que tu veux dire

I see what you mean

je voudrais

I would like (formal)

Je voudrais aussi acheter des chaussures.

I would also like to buy some shoes.

Je voudrais aussi changer de chambre.

I would also like to change the room.

Je voudrais aussi commencer plus tard.

I would also like to start later.

Je voudrais aussi essayer ce costume.

I would also like to to try this suit on.

Je voudrais aussi présenter mon ami.

I would like to introduce my friend also.

Je voudrais aussi remercier mes amis.

I would also like to to thank my friends.

Je voudrais aussi retenir mes places.

I would also like to keep my seats.

Je voudrais aussi trouver mon ami.

I would like to find my friend also.

Je voudrais aussi trouver un taxi.

I would like to find a taxi also.

je voudrais beaucoup la voir

I would like very much to see her

Je voudrais de la viande.

I would like some meat.

Je voudrais de l’aspirine.

I would like some aspirin.

Je voudrais des chemises blanches, encolure quarante.

I’d like some white shirts, size forty.

Je voudrais du beurre.

I would like some butter.

Je voudrais du café.

I would like some coffee.

Je voudrais du fromage.

I would like some cheese.

Je voudrais du pain.

I would like some bread.

Je voudrais justement aller en ville.

I would just go to town.

je voudrais la voir

I would like to see her

je voudrais le voir

I would like to see him

Je voudrais les remplir tout de suite.

I would like to fill them in straight away.