Understand spoken Dutch

"“It’s too big!” they all said, and the turkey that had come into the world with spurs and therefore thought he was emperor, blew himself up like a ship with full sails and came up to him; then he clucked and his head turned bright red." in Dutch

“Het is te groot!” zeiden allen, en de kalkoense haan, die met sporen ter wereld gekomen was en daarom dacht, dat hij keizer was, blies zich op als een schip met volle zeilen en kwam op hem af; toen klokte hij en werd zijn kop vuurrood.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for ““It’s too big!” they all said, and the turkey that had come into the world with spurs and therefore thought he was emperor, blew himself up like a ship with full sails and came up to him; then he clucked and his head turned bright red.” is “Het is te groot!” zeiden allen, en de kalkoense haan, die met sporen ter wereld gekomen was en daarom dacht, dat hij keizer was, blies zich op als een schip met volle zeilen en kwam op hem af; toen klokte hij en werd zijn kop vuurrood.. The Dutch, “Het is te groot!” zeiden allen, en de kalkoense haan, die met sporen ter wereld gekomen was en daarom dacht, dat hij keizer was, blies zich op als een schip met volle zeilen en kwam op hem af; toen klokte hij en werd zijn kop vuurrood., can be broken down into 46 parts:"it" (het), "is" (is), "to" (te), "large; big" (groot), "said (plural)" (zeiden), "everybody" (allen), "and" (en), "the" (de), "turkey" (kalkoense), "cock" (haan), "who (conjunction)" (die), "with (accompanying)" (met), "spurs" (sporen), "at" (ter), "world" (wereld), "came" (gekomen), "was" (was), "and" (en), "that’s why" (daarom), "thought" (dacht), "that" (dat), "he" (hij), "emperor" (keizer), "was" (was), "blew" (blies), "himself; herself; itself" (zich), "on" (op), "as" (als), "a; an" (een), "ship" (schip), "with (accompanying)" (met), "full (long form)" (volle), "sails" (zeilen), "and" (en), "came (past tense; singular)" (kwam), "on" (op), "him" (hem), "off" (af), "then; when" (toen), "clucked" (klokte), "he" (hij), "and" (en), "was; became" (werd), "his" (zijn), "head (animal)" (kop) and "bright red" (vuurrood).

Examples of "“It’s too big!” they all said, and the turkey that had come into the world with spurs and therefore thought he was emperor, blew himself up like a ship with full sails and came up to him; then he clucked and his head turned bright red." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "“It’s too big!” they all said, and the turkey that had come into the world with spurs and therefore thought he was emperor, blew himself up like a ship with full sails and came up to him; then he clucked and his head turned bright red." being used:

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