Understand spoken Dutch

"“I have also been fooled like that and it caused me a lot of work with my young ones, because they were afraid of the water.”" in Dutch

“Ik ben ook eens zo beetgenomen en had toen heel wat werk met mijn jongen, want zij waren bang voor het water!”


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for ““I have also been fooled like that and it caused me a lot of work with my young ones, because they were afraid of the water.”” is “Ik ben ook eens zo beetgenomen en had toen heel wat werk met mijn jongen, want zij waren bang voor het water!”. The Dutch, “Ik ben ook eens zo beetgenomen en had toen heel wat werk met mijn jongen, want zij waren bang voor het water!”, can be broken down into 22 parts:"I" (ik), "am (1st person singular)" (ben), "also; as well" (ook), "sometime; once" (eens), "so" (zo), "fooled" (beetgenomen), "and" (en), "had (singular)" (had), "then; when" (toen), "very; really" (heel), "some" (wat), "work" (werk), "with (accompanying)" (met), "my" (mijn), "young ones" (jongen), "because" (want), "they" (zij), "were" (waren), "scared" (bang), "for" (voor), "the (neutral)" (het) and "water" (water).

Examples of "“I have also been fooled like that and it caused me a lot of work with my young ones, because they were afraid of the water.”" in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "“I have also been fooled like that and it caused me a lot of work with my young ones, because they were afraid of the water.”" being used:

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