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Recent Additions

Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
to fluctuate


10 years 10 months ago
the prayer

het gebed

10 years 10 months ago
the opportunity

de gelegenheid

10 years 10 months ago
the mediation

de bemiddeling

10 years 10 months ago
to take hostage


10 years 10 months ago
the misery

de ellende

10 years 10 months ago
the training

de opleiding

10 years 10 months ago
the scarcity

de schaarste

10 years 10 months ago
the lead

de voorsprong

10 years 10 months ago
to eliminate


10 years 10 months ago
confused; mixed-up

in de war

10 years 10 months ago
the oath

de eed

10 years 10 months ago
the rush

de stormloop

10 years 10 months ago
the license; the permit

de vergunning

10 years 10 months ago
the moped (The Netherlands)

de snorfiets

10 years 10 months ago
the turnover

de omzet

10 years 10 months ago
to deposit


10 years 10 months ago
to demolish


10 years 10 months ago


10 years 10 months ago
to donate; to give


10 years 10 months ago
the kidney

de nier

10 years 10 months ago
the tornado

de windhoos

10 years 10 months ago
the countryman

de landgenoot

10 years 10 months ago
the state; the condition

de toestand

10 years 10 months ago
the challenge

de uitdaging

10 years 10 months ago
the ally

de bondgenoot

10 years 10 months ago
unnecessary; superfluous


10 years 10 months ago
the riot

de rel

10 years 10 months ago
the trigger

de trekker

10 years 10 months ago
the award; the assessment

de gunning

10 years 10 months ago
to perform


10 years 10 months ago
to assist


10 years 10 months ago
to hire


10 years 10 months ago
the judgement

het vonnis

10 years 11 months ago
the rainfall; the precipitation

de neerslag

10 years 11 months ago
the attention

de aandacht

10 years 11 months ago
the jellyfish

de kwal

10 years 11 months ago
to carry


10 years 11 months ago
the abductor

de ontvoerder

10 years 11 months ago
the leg (of a competition)

de heenwedstrijd

10 years 11 months ago