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10 years ago
the foul

de overtreding

10 years ago
the spectator

de toeschouwer

10 years ago
the presumption

het vermoeden

10 years 1 month ago
with flying colours

met vlag en wimpel

10 years 1 month ago
the pennon (a type of flag)

de wimpel

10 years 1 month ago
to forge


10 years 1 month ago
our job is not easy

Onze opdracht is niet eenvoudig

10 years 1 month ago
the speech

de toespraak

10 years 1 month ago
The speech by De Wever

De toespraak van De Wever

10 years 1 month ago


10 years 1 month ago
the power broker

de informateur

10 years 1 month ago
King Philip, designated Bart De Wever as a federal power broker, in addition to his role as Flemish power broker.

Koning Filip heeft Bart De Wever aangeduid als federaal informateur, bovenop zijn rol van Vlaams informateur.

10 years 1 month ago


10 years 1 month ago
the approach

de aanpak

10 years 1 month ago


10 years 1 month ago
the sprinter

de spurter

10 years 1 month ago
to hinder; to impede


10 years 1 month ago


10 years 1 month ago
Obviously a hug must remain possible.

Uiteraard moet een knuffel mogelijk blijven.

10 years 1 month ago
the association; the society

de vereniging

10 years 1 month ago
The exams are the culprit.

De examens zijn de boosdoener.

10 years 1 month ago
the evil-doer; the villain

de boosdoener

10 years 1 month ago


10 years 1 month ago
Dental examination for fleeing foursome

Tandheelkundig onderzoek voor vluchtend viertal

10 years 1 month ago
the hoopla; the rumpus

de heisa

10 years 1 month ago
to delouse


10 years 1 month ago
Politicians need two years of delousing

Politici moeten twee jaar ontluizen

10 years 1 month ago
to fade


10 years 2 months ago
The boundary between home and office has faded

De grens tussen thuis en kantoor is vervaagd

10 years 2 months ago
to compromise between life and work

schipperen tussen leven en werk

10 years 2 months ago
to compromise


10 years 2 months ago
to defy


10 years 2 months ago
the order

de bestelling

10 years 2 months ago
Police flash to order.

Politie flitst op bestelling.

10 years 2 months ago
the genocide

de volkerenmoord

10 years 2 months ago
the Duchess

de hertogin

10 years 2 months ago
the back

de rug

10 years 2 months ago
the bone marrow

het ruggenmerg

10 years 2 months ago
the spinal cord injury

het ruggenmergletsel

10 years 2 months ago