Understand spoken language


New Thai-English dictionary and other dictionary improvements

Submitted by Hugh on 16 July 2015

I'm very pleased to announce the addition of a Thai-English dictionary, together with many other dictionary improvements.

Firstly, the Thai-English dictionary. This is something which I've had in mind to add for a very long time, every since the creating the English-Thai dictionary. It's now available and, as a student of Thai myself, I find it very interesting to look at an alphabetic list of words all beginning with the same letter.

Multi-choice answers now all match correct answer length

Submitted by Hugh on 4 May 2015

I have tweeked Lingopolo so that now multi-choice possible answers are all same length. Previously there was the rather silly situation that the correct answer might be a single word, and yet the possible answers might include an extremely long phrase. No more! Now, if the answer is one word, the possible answers will all be one word. If the correct answer has, say three words, then all the answers suggested will contain three words. This means that the multi-choice experience is a lot more sensible. And a little bit trickier!