Understand spoken language


8 differences between Lingopolo and Duolingo

Submitted by Hugh on 22 January 2018

1. Lingopolo is a non-profit

Lingopolo is a non-profit, whose aim is to bring the best language-learning to the world for free.

Duolingo is a company, whose principal aim is to make a profit.

2. Lingopolo has tens of thousands of dollars investment

Lingopolo has currently had a tens of thousands of dollars spent on it.

Duolingo has received $108 million dollars of investment and is worth around $700 million.

How Lingopolo plans to work from any language, to any language

Submitted by Hugh on 1 September 2017

In an earlier post announcing that Lingopolo becomes 100% free, I wrote about how I'm preparing to build Lingopolo into the world's best system for anybody to learn any-language, from any-language, for free.

Here I would like to explain how this "any-language to any-language" will be done.

What we currently have

Currently, we have only 3 language pairs available.

Lingopolo becomes 100% free

Submitted by Hugh on 8 April 2017

I am excited and extremely pleased to announce that, as of today, Lingopolo becomes 100% free.

Previously there had been a monthly or annual membership subscription if you wanted to use Lingopolo. But no more; it is now 100% free.

Why? How, then, is Lingopolo going to make money?

A little bit of history

For the why, let me first explain a little bit of history and my original plans.