Understand spoken French

"Finally, everywhere in the region there is a lot of accommodation: comfortable hotels, international campsites and youth hostels, all for reasonable prices." in French

Finalement, partout dans la région il y a beaucoup de logements : des hôtels confortables, des campings internationaux et des auberges de jeunesse, tous à des prix raisonnables.



The French translation for “Finally, everywhere in the region there is a lot of accommodation: comfortable hotels, international campsites and youth hostels, all for reasonable prices.” is Finalement, partout dans la région il y a beaucoup de logements : des hôtels confortables, des campings internationaux et des auberges de jeunesse, tous à des prix raisonnables..

Examples of "Finally, everywhere in the region there is a lot of accommodation: comfortable hotels, international campsites and youth hostels, all for reasonable prices." in use

There is 1 example of the French word for "Finally, everywhere in the region there is a lot of accommodation: comfortable hotels, international campsites and youth hostels, all for reasonable prices." being used:

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