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aren’t (2nd person plural)

n’êtes pas

10 years 3 months ago
she is going upstairs

elle monte

10 years 3 months ago
goes upstairs; is going upstairs (3rd person singular)


10 years 3 months ago
He is going to fill them in straight away.

il va les remplir tout de suite.

10 years 3 months ago
I am going upstairs to fill them in straight away.

Je monte les remplir tout de suite.

10 years 3 months ago
I go upstairs

je monte

10 years 3 months ago
go upstairs; am going upstairs


10 years 3 months ago
They are going up to fill them in straight away.

Ils montent les remplir tout de suite.

10 years 3 months ago
equal (masculine)


10 years 3 months ago
equal; are equalling (3rd person plural)


10 years 3 months ago
I hope to fill them in straight away.

J’espère les remplir tout de suite.

10 years 3 months ago
I hope


10 years 3 months ago
I would like to fill them in straight away.

Je voudrais les remplir tout de suite.

10 years 3 months ago
She will fill them out straight away.

Elle va les remplir tout de suite.

10 years 3 months ago
We will fill them out straight away

Nous allons les remplir tout de suite.

10 years 3 months ago
It’s for later

C’est pour plus tard.

10 years 3 months ago
for later

pour plus tard

10 years 3 months ago
It’s for this evening

C’est pour ce soir.

10 years 3 months ago
for this evening

pour ce soir

10 years 3 months ago
It’s for tomorrow.

C’est pour demain.

10 years 3 months ago
for tomorrow

pour demain

10 years 3 months ago
It’s me.

C’est moi.

10 years 3 months ago
It’s the bathroom.

C’est la salle de bains.

10 years 3 months ago
It’s Paris.

C’est Paris.

10 years 3 months ago
It’s nice.

C’est joli.

10 years 3 months ago
it’s good

c’est bon

10 years 3 months ago
Paris suits me just fine.

Paris me convient tout à fait.

10 years 3 months ago
The bathroom suits me just fine.

La salle de bains me convient tout à fait.

10 years 3 months ago
the bathroom

la salle de bains

10 years 3 months ago
The room suits me just fine.

La chambre me convient tout à fait.

10 years 3 months ago
The hotel suits me just fine.

L’hôtel me convient tout à fait.

10 years 3 months ago
The restaurant suits me just fine.

le restaurant me convient tout à fait.

10 years 3 months ago
The coffee suits me just fine

Le café me convient tout à fait.

10 years 3 months ago
It suits me just fine. (masculine subject)

Il me convient tout à fait.

10 years 3 months ago
It suits me just fine. (feminine subject)

Elle me convient tout à fait.

10 years 3 months ago
And it’s nearby here.

Et il est près d’ici.

10 years 3 months ago
Yes, it’s a very good restaurant.

Oui, c’est un très bon restaurant.

10 years 3 months ago
Do you want to go to the Paris Café?

Voulez-vous aller au Café de Paris ?

10 years 3 months ago
Where are we going to have lunch?

Où allons-nous déjeuner ?

10 years 3 months ago
What time is it?

Quelle heure est-il ?

10 years 3 months ago