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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
a lion

un lion

10 years 8 months ago


10 years 8 months ago
he has big hands

il a de grosses mains

10 years 8 months ago
he has a small head

il a une petite tête

10 years 8 months ago
a head

une tête

10 years 8 months ago
a hand

une main

10 years 8 months ago
a fruit

un fruit

10 years 8 months ago


10 years 8 months ago
a fork

une fourchette

10 years 8 months ago
one of my feet hurts

j’ai mal à un pied

10 years 8 months ago
a foot

un pied

10 years 8 months ago


10 years 8 months ago
coffee is a hot drink

le café est une boisson chaude

10 years 8 months ago
this is a stick of celery

c’est une branche de céleri

10 years 8 months ago


10 years 8 months ago
this is a girl

c’est une fille

10 years 8 months ago
a girl

une fille

10 years 8 months ago
this is a boy

c’est un garçon

10 years 8 months ago
a boy

un garçon

10 years 8 months ago
I have blue eyes

j’ai les yeux bleus

10 years 8 months ago
blue (masculine)


10 years 8 months ago


10 years 8 months ago
pain; hurt


10 years 8 months ago
one of my shoulders hurts

j’ai mal à une épaule

10 years 8 months ago
this is; it is


10 years 8 months ago
the dog

le chien

10 years 8 months ago
have; am having


10 years 8 months ago
a pet

un animal familier

10 years 8 months ago
this is a chicken

c’est un poulet

10 years 8 months ago
this is a goat

c’est une chèvre

10 years 8 months ago
this is a cow

c’est une vache

10 years 8 months ago
I have a cat

j’ai un chat

10 years 8 months ago
The bear is a big animal.

L’ours est un gros animal.

10 years 8 months ago
The dog is an animal.

Le chien est un animal.

10 years 8 months ago
a whale

une baleine

10 years 8 months ago


10 years 8 months ago
a zebra

un zèbre

10 years 8 months ago


10 years 8 months ago
a swan

un cygne

10 years 8 months ago


10 years 8 months ago