Understand spoken French

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my grandmother speaks dutch

ma grand-mère parle le néerlandais

10 years 6 months ago


10 years 6 months ago
Their aunt can speak German fluently.

Leur tante sait parler couramment allemand.

10 years 6 months ago


10 years 6 months ago
german (masculine)


10 years 6 months ago
Our uncle can’t swim.

Notre oncle ne sait pas nager.

10 years 6 months ago
Do you have grandchildren?

Avez-vous des petits-enfants ?

10 years 6 months ago
some grandchildren

des petits-enfants

10 years 6 months ago
Do you often see your grandparents?

Voyez-vous souvent vos grands-parents ?

10 years 6 months ago
In France most families have two children.

En France la plupart des familles ont deux enfants.

10 years 6 months ago
most; majority


10 years 6 months ago
Where do your parents live?

Où habitent tes parents ?

10 years 6 months ago
In China many people only have one child.

En Chine beaucoup de gens ont seulement un enfant.

10 years 6 months ago


10 years 6 months ago
His mother is very nice.

Sa mère est très gentille.

10 years 6 months ago
kind; nice (feminine singular)


10 years 6 months ago
Her father is wearing glasses.

Son père porte des lunettes.

10 years 6 months ago
wears; is wearing


10 years 6 months ago
my older sister is 35 years old

ma grande sœur a 35 ans

10 years 6 months ago
my little brother is 5 years old

mon petit frère a 5 ans

10 years 6 months ago


10 years 6 months ago
they know it’s too early

elles savent que c’est trop tôt

10 years 6 months ago


10 years 6 months ago
they know it’s too late

ils savent que c’est trop tard

10 years 6 months ago
late (in absolute terms)


10 years 6 months ago
too; too much (informal)


10 years 6 months ago
Do you know how to say goodbye in mandarin?

Savez-vous comment on dit au revoir en mandarin ?

10 years 6 months ago


10 years 6 months ago
We know you can do it!

Nous savons que tu peux le faire !

10 years 6 months ago
we know you can’t come on saturday

on sait que tu ne peux pas venir samedi

10 years 6 months ago
she can’t speak Spanish

elle ne sait pas parler espagnol

10 years 6 months ago
he can sing very well

il sait très bien chanter

10 years 6 months ago
to sing


10 years 6 months ago
They can’t see very well without their glasses.

Ils ne voient pas très bien sans leurs lunettes.

10 years 6 months ago
glasses; spectacles


10 years 6 months ago
Can’t you see he’s lying to you?

Ne voyez-vous pas qu’il vous ment ?

10 years 6 months ago
lies; is lying


10 years 6 months ago
you can speak English

tu sais parler anglais

10 years 6 months ago
English (masculine)


10 years 6 months ago
I can swim

je sais nager

10 years 6 months ago