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English-French Dictionary - I

0 (8) 1 (32) 2 (21) 3 (16) 4 (13) 5 (13) 6 (14) 7 (14) 8 (14) 9 (16) A (656) B (203) C (226) D (164) E (87) F (161) G (115) H (319) I (529) J (34) K (30) L (117) M (194) N (85) O (160) P (166) Q (11) R (83) S (536) T (965) U (25) V (25) W (337) X (1) Y (121) Z (5)
English French Recording Learn
invited (feminine plural)


invited (feminine singular)


invited (masculine singular)



fer à repasser

iron; are ironing (1st person plural)


is (3rd person singular)


is able to; can (3rd person singular)


is called


is happening

se passe

Is he going on vacation?

Va-t-il en vacances ?

Is he going to class?

Va-t-il en classe ?

Is he going to show me it?

Va-t-il me la montrer ?

Is he going to the café?

Va-t-il au café ?

Is he going to the restaurant?

Va-t-il au restaurant ?

Is he still on holiday?

Est-il toujours en vacances ?

Is it far?

Est-ce que c’est loin ?

is it that...?

est-ce que... ?

is located

se trouve

is necessary


is raining


Is she going to Lyon?

Va-t-elle à Lyon ?

Is she going to show it to me?

va-t-elle me le montrer ?

Is she going to show me it?

Va-t-elle me la montrer ?

Is she still on holiday?

Est-elle toujours en vacances ?

Is someone going to show it to me?

Va-t-on me la montrer ?

Is someone going to show them to me?

Va-t-on me les montrer ?

is strongly encouraged

est fortement encouragé

Is there any sugar?

Y a-t-il du sucre ?


n’est pas

isn’t ever

n’est jamais

it (feminine)


it (masculine)


it appears in the upper left corner

il figure dans le coin supérieur gauche

It can’t be very fresh any more.

Il ne doit plus être très frais.

it doesn’t matter

peu importe

it doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white

peu importe qu’un chat soit noir ou blanc