Understand spoken Dutch

"You are also required to submit your child’s school attendance four times a year." in Dutch

Je bent ook verplicht de schoolaanwezigheid van je kind vier keer per jaar in te dienen.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “You are also required to submit your child’s school attendance four times a year.” is Je bent ook verplicht de schoolaanwezigheid van je kind vier keer per jaar in te dienen.. The Dutch, Je bent ook verplicht de schoolaanwezigheid van je kind vier keer per jaar in te dienen., can be broken down into 14 parts:"you (singular)" (je), "are (2nd person singular)" (bent), "also; as well" (ook), "obligated" (verplicht), "the" (de), "school attendance" (schoolaanwezigheid), "of" (van), "your (informal; short form)" (je), "child" (kind), "4 (four)" (vier), "times (occassion)" (keer), "per" (per), "year" (jaar) and "to submit (long form)" (in te dienen).

Examples of "You are also required to submit your child’s school attendance four times a year." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "You are also required to submit your child’s school attendance four times a year." being used:

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