Understand spoken Dutch

"Thousands of lights were burning upon the green branches and coloured pictures, like those she had seen in the show-windows, looking down upon her." in Dutch

Duizenden lichten brandden er op de groene takken, en bonte prenten, zoals die, welke er voor de winkelramen te zien waren, zagen op haar neer.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “Thousands of lights were burning upon the green branches and coloured pictures, like those she had seen in the show-windows, looking down upon her.” is Duizenden lichten brandden er op de groene takken, en bonte prenten, zoals die, welke er voor de winkelramen te zien waren, zagen op haar neer.. The Dutch, Duizenden lichten brandden er op de groene takken, en bonte prenten, zoals die, welke er voor de winkelramen te zien waren, zagen op haar neer., can be broken down into 24 parts:"thousands" (duizenden), "lights" (lichten), "were burning" (brandden), "there" (er), "on" (op), "the" (de), "green (long form)" (groene), "branches" (takken), "and" (en), "variegated" (bonte), "pictures" (prenten), "such as; like" (zoals), "that (conjunction)" (die), "which (long form)" (welke), "there" (er), "in front of" (voor), "the" (de), "shop-windows" (winkelramen), "to see" (zien), "were" (waren), "saw (verb)" (zagen), "on" (op), "her" (haar) and "down" (neer).

Examples of "Thousands of lights were burning upon the green branches and coloured pictures, like those she had seen in the show-windows, looking down upon her." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "Thousands of lights were burning upon the green branches and coloured pictures, like those she had seen in the show-windows, looking down upon her." being used:

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