Understand spoken Dutch

"The next morning someone came and mounted bars in front of Harry’s window." in Dutch

De volgende ochtend kwam er iemand die tralies voor Harry’s raam monteerde.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “The next morning someone came and mounted bars in front of Harry’s window.” is De volgende ochtend kwam er iemand die tralies voor Harry’s raam monteerde.. The Dutch, De volgende ochtend kwam er iemand die tralies voor Harry’s raam monteerde., can be broken down into 12 parts:"the" (de), "next; following" (volgende), "morning" (ochtend), "came (past tense; singular)" (kwam), "there" (er), "someone" (iemand), "who (conjunction)" (die), "bars (e.g. of metal)" (tralies), "before (short form)" (voor), "Harry (boy’s name)" (Harry), "window (frame)" (raam) and "mounted" (monteerde).

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