Understand spoken Dutch

Recent Additions

Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
the elder tree

de vlierboom

3 years 8 months ago
the image

de beeltenis

3 years 8 months ago
the mistress

de meesteres

3 years 8 months ago
the hinge

het scharnier

3 years 8 months ago
the farmhut

de boerenhut

3 years 8 months ago
the migratory bird

de trekvogel

3 years 8 months ago
the fence

de schutting

3 years 8 months ago
the chick

het kuikentje

3 years 8 months ago
the cod

de kabeljauw

3 years 8 months ago
the elevation

de verhoging

3 years 8 months ago
the procedure

de procedure

3 years 8 months ago
the intention

het voornemen

3 years 8 months ago
the municipalities

de gemeenten

3 years 8 months ago
the slaves (female)

de slavinnen

3 years 8 months ago
the kilometer

de kilometer

3 years 8 months ago
the compassion

het mededogen

3 years 8 months ago
the speeds

de snelheden

3 years 8 months ago
the program

het programma

3 years 8 months ago
the unknown; stranger

de onbekende

3 years 8 months ago
the alliance

de alliantie

3 years 8 months ago
the tax

de belasting

3 years 8 months ago
the steering

de besturing

3 years 8 months ago
the expertise

de expertise

3 years 8 months ago
the coal

de steenkool

3 years 8 months ago
the mayonnaise

de mayonaise

3 years 8 months ago
the reality

de realiteit

3 years 8 months ago
the restriction; handicap

de beperking

3 years 8 months ago
the processes

de processen

3 years 8 months ago
the criterion

het criterium

3 years 8 months ago
the candidate

de kandidaat

3 years 8 months ago
the quality

de kwaliteit

3 years 8 months ago
the defeat

de nederlaag

3 years 8 months ago
the crockery

het vaatwerk

3 years 8 months ago
the vending machine

de automaat

3 years 8 months ago
the butter churn

het botervat

3 years 8 months ago
the friends

de vrienden

3 years 8 months ago
the mind

het verstand

3 years 8 months ago
the couch

het bankstel

3 years 8 months ago
the moment

het ogenblik

3 years 8 months ago
the article

het lidwoord

3 years 8 months ago