Understand spoken Dutch

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Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
the dance

de dans

6 years 10 months ago
the day

de dag

6 years 10 months ago
the culture

de cultuur

6 years 10 months ago
the computer

de computer

6 years 10 months ago
the lecture hall

de collegezaal

6 years 10 months ago
the lemon

de citroen

6 years 10 months ago
the chocolate

de chocolade

6 years 10 months ago
the neighbour

de buurman

6 years 10 months ago
the bus

de bus

6 years 10 months ago
the wedding

de bruiloft

6 years 10 months ago
the source

de bron

6 years 10 months ago
the brother

de broer

6 years 10 months ago
the trousers (British); the pants (American)

de broek

6 years 10 months ago
the glasses

de bril

6 years 10 months ago
the letter

de brief

6 years 10 months ago
the fireman

de brandweerman

6 years 10 months ago
the butter

de boter

6 years 10 months ago
the tree

de boom

6 years 10 months ago
the flower

de bloem

6 years 10 months ago
the bee

de bij

6 years 10 months ago
the fair

de beurs

6 years 10 months ago
the mountain

de berg

6 years 10 months ago
the gasoline

de benzine

6 years 10 months ago
the bank

de bank

6 years 10 months ago
the bathroom

de badkamer

6 years 10 months ago
the baby

de baby

6 years 10 months ago
the evening

de avond

6 years 10 months ago
the ashtray

de asbak

6 years 10 months ago
the arm

de arm

6 years 10 months ago
the worker; the labourer

de arbeider

6 years 10 months ago
thank you

dank u wel

6 years 10 months ago
100,000 (one hundred thousand)


6 years 10 months ago
90,000 (ninety thousand)


6 years 10 months ago
80,000 (eighty thousand)


6 years 10 months ago


6 years 10 months ago
to dance


6 years 10 months ago
dance (plural)


6 years 10 months ago
small stain (diminutive)


6 years 10 months ago
sits; is sitting (3rd person singular)


6 years 10 months ago
colourful; varied


6 years 10 months ago